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Table of Contents

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 2, Issue (6), Pages 1-119, June (2013)

Research Paper

1. Framework for the Comparison of Classifiers for Medical Image Segmentation with Transform and Moment based features
Hameed Maria,Sharif Muhammad,Raza Mudassar,Haider SyedWaqas,Iqbal Muhammad (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 1-10.
2. How Institutional Socialization Tactics Affects the Drivers of Socialization; Newcomers' Proactivity and Socialization Outcomes
Saeed Mortazavi,Nazemi , Shamsodin,AhmadReza KarimiMazidi (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 11-16.
3. Aerodynamic Performance Optimization of Smart Wing Using SMA Actuator
E. Dileep,M. Nebish,V. Loganathan (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 17-22.
4. Analysis and Design of a Novel Junctionless Triple Metal Cylindrical Surround Gate (JLTM CSG) MOSFET
SantoshKumar Gupta,Srimanta Baishya (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 23-31.
5. Introduce and Compare Two Approaches for Monitoring a Two-Stage Process by Profile Quality Characteristic in the Second Stage
Esmaeeli Hamid,Ahmad Sadegheih (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 32-42.
6. Effects of some Pretreatments of African Locust Bean Seeds (Parkia biglobosa) on Delivered Efficiency of a Devised Dehuller
E.A. Sanya,R.H. Ahouansou,G. Bagan,A. Vianou,D.J. Hounhouigan (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 43-51.
7. Survey of the Relation between Organizational Structure and Informational Overload in Case Study: Payame Noor University
Kermani RoyaArjmand (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 52-57.
8. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Diagnosis and Improving in a Small Business as an Essential tool for Business Competitiveness
M.M. Ponce-Hernandez,A. Gonzlez-Angeles,Navarro-Gonzlez C.R.,E. Cabrera-Cordova (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 58-65.
9. Supplier's? Selection in Supply Chain with Combined QFD and ANP Approaches (Case study)
Houshang Taghizadeh,MehdiErshadi sis (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 66-77.

Research Article

10. Design of a Controller for Suppressing the Stick-slip Oscillations in Oil well Drillstring
Azadi Sassan,Halimberdi Bake (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 78-82.
11. Studying the Role of Modern Marketing in Developing Non-Oil Exports (A case Study: Carpet Industry in Eastern Azerbaijan Province)
Armin Rajabzadeh,Panahzadeh Asghar (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 83-89.
12. Application of Homotopy Perturbation Method to Vector Host Epidemic Model with Non-Linear Incidences
MuhammadAltaf Khan,S. Islam,Ullah Murad,SherAfzal Khan,Zaman G.,Muhammad Arif,Sadiq SyedFarasat (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 90-95.

Short Communication

13. A Study of Security Problems in the Persian Gulf
Kalhor Mohammadtaghi (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 96-98.

Review Paper

14. Leadership is Vital for Project Managers to Achieve Project Efficacy
Riaz Ahmed,Masood MuhammadTahir,Noor Azmi (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 99-102.
15. Principles for Managing Human Resources in Contemporary Organizations
Ali Akbar (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 103-107.
16. Economic Dispatch Incorporating Wind Power Plant Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization
HelaliMoghadam Mahshid,Mehdi GhazaviDozein (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 108-112.
17. An investigation of the Iranian approach to take Advantages of the Right to Suspend Performance of the contract under United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980)
Shirani Masoud,Chekab GholamNabiFeyzi,Taghizade Ebrahim,Yazdaniyan Alireza,Ahmadi JalalSultan (2013). Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(6), 113-119.