Distributive Justice and Fairness for Developing Countries under WTO Agreement on Agriculture: Analysis
Author Affiliations
- 1University of Glasgow and A.P. at Law Department Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, PAKISTAN
- 2University of Glasgow U.K & works as Asstt. Prof at Law Department Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, PAKISTAN Sydney Unidersity, AUSTRALIA
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (6), Pages 105-111, June,2 (2014)
The Article aims to discuss the whether trade liberalization is achieved in Agriculture sector especially for the developing counties through the adoption of Agreement on Agriculture. Developing countries were at the disadvantage position as they could not achieve comparative advantage in their agricultural export due to the high degree of protection accorded to the domestic producers by the developed countries. Through the adoption of Agreement on Agriculture, the aim was to achieve fair trading system in agriculture by according differential and special treatment to developing countries. The question which is raised and analysed in the present article is whether AOA facilitates the developing countries in achieving market access in the developed countries in the back drop of environment protection, export subsidies and domestic support clauses in AOA and WTO covered agreements. The effect of AOA Pakistan agricultural export is specially highlighted as the case study for developing country
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