A Consideration of Operation Rate of Learning Organization Model (LO Model) of Senge in education system of Iran Case study: Vocational High Schools in Kashan, Iran
Author Affiliations
- 1University of Isfahan, Tehran, IRAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (4), Pages 103-111, April,2 (2014)
The current study considers the operation rate of dimensions of a learning organization – including Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision, Team Learning and Systems Thinking – in Vocational High Schools in Kashan. The study is descriptive due to its hypotheses and study objectives. Statistical Population of study includes teachers and administrators (managers and their assistants) of Vocational High Schools in Kashan and sample size of study includes 80 teachers and administrators employed by Ministry of Education. According to analysis of data and other results, no significant relationship was found between demographic characteristics of teachers and administrators, level of education and work experience and the rate of componential operation of learning organization. Among all dimensions of field of study and age groups, only Personal Mastery had a significant relationship, and other dimensions were insignificant. From viewpoint of job position (teacher and administrator), Personal Mastery, Systems Thinking and Team Learning had significant relationship and two other dimensions were not significant.
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