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Study on EMIC Waves in multi-ions around the Plasmapause Region

Author Affiliations

  • 1 School of Studies in Physics, Vikram University, Ujjain MP, INDIA

Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 26-29, April,4 (2013)


Electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves have been studied by single particle approach. The dispersion relation, growth rate of the electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves in a low (ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure), homogeneous plasma have been obtained. The wave is assumed to propagate parallel to the static magnetic field. The effect of general loss-cone distribution function with temperature anisotropy on EMIC waves in multi-ions is to enhance the growth rate. The results are interpreted for the space plasma parameters appropriate to the plasma-pause region of the earth’s magneto-plasma.


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