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The Role of Lattice Displacement on Brillouin Polarization in a Magnetized n-InSb Crystal

Author Affiliations

  • 1 School of Studies in Physics, Vikram University, Ujjain INDIA
  • 2 Department of Physics, Swami Vivakanand Govt. Post Graduate College, Neemuch, INDIA

Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 21-25, April,4 (2013)


For the study of parametric excitation, we have considered that origin of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) of the Stoke’s component of the scattered mode lies in the third order optical susceptibility. The optical polarization in SBS system arises due to nonlinear current density and acousto-optical strain of the medium. The lattice displacement vector or amplitude, induced polarization, acousto-optical polarization and threshold expressions are obtained. Using induced and acousto-optical polarization and coupled mode scheme, the effective Brillouin polarization, the electric amplitude of transmitted wave and efficiency of the Brillouin cell have also been calculated. The lattice displacement is slightly enhanced at wave number k = 2.2×107 m-1 The required threshold electric field for the onset of SBS is also reduced significantly in the presence of magnetic field. The doping level also appreciably influences the effective Brillouin polarization. The study shows that a large effective polarization can be achieved at relatively low pump threshold in a magnetized doped semiconductor, which makes promising for the fabrication of nonlinear devices based on SBS.


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