Utrasonic Study on Ternary Mixture of Diethyl Acetamide (DMAC) in Diethyl ether and Acetone
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Physics L.N. College Patkura Kendrapara Orissa, INDIA
- 2 Department of Physics, Ravenshaw University Cuttack, Orissa, INDIA
Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 12-20, April,4 (2013)
The experimental density (ρ) and ultrasonic velocity (U) for ternary mixture containing dimethyl acetamide (DAMC), diethyl ether and acetone at different frequencies (2MHz, 4MHz 6MHz, 8MHz) have been measured at temperature 308K. These data are used to compute adiabatic compressibility (Ks), intermolecular free length (Lf), acoustic Impedance (Z), molar volume (Vm), molar sound velocity(R), molar compressibility (B), available volume (Va), Lennard Jones potential repulsive term exponent (n), relative association (RA), interaction parameter ( χ ) and some excess thermo acoustic parameters for whole range of concentration of DMAC and are interpreted to elucidate molecular interaction occurring in the liquid mixture.
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