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Analysis of Ionicity using Plasmon Energy and Electro Negativity Difference of Binary Tetrahedral Semiconductors and Ionic Compounds

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of physics, Tata College, Chaibasa / Kolhan University, West Singbhum, Jharkhand, INDIA

Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 6-11, April,4 (2013)


The homopolar energy gap (Eh) and the total energy gap (Eg) of binary tetrahedral(II-VI and III-V )semiconductors and ionic(I-VII) compounds have been estimated from plasmon energy and electronegativity difference between bonding atoms of compounds. Accordingly two relations have been proposed. Constants appearing in the proposed relation for Eh have been shown to be characteristics of crystal structures of the crystals. Similarly, the constants appearing in the relation for Eg have been found to be the characteristics of the cations of the compounds in their respective families. Using the estimated values of Eh and Eg , ionicity ( of these crystals) has been calculated employing Phillips-Van Vechten -Levine (PVL) formalism.The calculated values of ionicity are in excellent agreement with those reported by different researchers.


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