Analysis of the Effect of the Different Types of Tennis Court Training on Physical Fitness
Author Affiliations
- 1Physical Education Teacher, Jaffna Central College, SRI LANKA
Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., Volume 3, Issue (10), Pages 1-5, November,23 (2015)
The Purpose of the study was to analysis of the effect of the different types of tennis court training on physical fitness. To achieve this study the investigator has selected twenty school level tennis players from each court and selected courts are Grass, Clay, Carpet and Hard, who have been trained for more than one year they were taken into account. Each court player had one hour playing court practice which does not include skill practice. Subjects are school level tennis players, the age ranges was between 14 and 16. Selected physical fitness variables are speed and agility, endurance and strength. To analyze the data the investigator used one way analysis of variance and table value at 0.05significance level was 2.73, calculated F value was 17.95 among the four courts players Speed and Agility. It revealed that the significant level observed among four court tennis player’s were speed and agility. Further the scheffe’s test was used as post hoc test to determine which pair mean differ significantly. The result reveals that significant mean differences were between Clay and other court such as Grass, Carpet, Hard. Endurance and strength were not significances.
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