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Psychological Variation of the Athletes of Manipur, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Manipur University, INDIA

Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., Volume 1, Issue (4), Pages 6-9, September,23 (2013)


The purpose of this empirical study emphasized on psychological variation of the athletes of Manipur. The locale of the study consisted of 200 male and female athletes who belong to the games like fencing, soccer, taekwondo, sepak- takraw and judo. Further, they were categorized at four different levels, i.e. district, state, national and international levels. The age of the athletes ranged from 17-23 years. The Eight State Questionnaire [8SQ] prepared by Barton, Cattell and Curran was used to collect the necessary data for analysis of Psychological Health variations of athletes. The score were analyzed through ANOVA-F statistics. The level of significance was quantified by P-value at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels. It was concluded that the psychological status of the athletes from four different levels vary significantly while no variation was found in the athletes as differentiated by the five different games.


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