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Table of Contents

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 2, Issue (6), Pages 1-96, May (2013)

Research Paper

1. Effect of Various Factors on the Adsorption of Methylene Blue on Silt Fractionated from Bijoypur Soil, Bangladesh
Y. Zaker,M.A. Hossain,T.S.A. Islam (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 1-7.
2. The Study of Ichthyofaunal Diversity of Chenani Hydroelectric Reservoir, Udhampur (J&K) INDIA
V.C. Mohan,K.K. Sharma,A. Sharma,P. Watts (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 8-12.
3. Water Quality and Pollution load of River Mandakini at Chitrakoot, India
Sadhana Chaurasia,Raj Karan (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 13-19.
4. The effects of Heavy metals on Seed Germination and Plant Growth on Coccinia, Mentha and Trigonella Plant Seeds in Timmapuram, E.G. District, Andhra Pradesh, India
J. Srinivas,A.V. Purushotham,Krishna K.V.S.G. Murali (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 20-24.
5. The Status of Micronutrients (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn) in Tea Plantations in Dibrugarh district of Assam, India
T.N. Nath (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 25-30.
6. Preimpoundmental studies on Water Quality of Narmada River of India
Virendra Soni,Salahuddin Khwaja,Manish Visavadia (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 31-38.
7. Investigation on Eutrophication of Taroda Nala at Nanded (India) through Physico-Chemical Analyses of Water and Composition of Planktonic Community within the Aquatic Ecosystem
IsakRajjak Shaikh,ParveenRajjak Shaikh,RafiqueAhmed Shaikh,AlamgirAbdulla Shaikh (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 39-48.
8. Treatment of Textile Effluent of Fokir Knitwear in Bangladesh Using Coagulation-Flocculation and Adsorption Methods
M. Mukhlish ,B. Zobayer, M.Mahmudul Huq,Kaniz Ferdous,MazumderM.Salatul Islam,KhanMd.Maksudur Rahman,M.Akhtarul Islam (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 49-53.
9. Phytoplankton as a Tool of Biomonitoring of Behlol Nullah, Jammu (J&K), India
K.K. Sharma,R. Sharma, LangerS.,K. Bangotra (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 54-60.
10. Impact of Environmental Change on Fish and Fisheries in Warna River Basin, Western Ghats, India
S.A. Mohite,J.S. Samant (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 61-70.
11. Application of a Multichannel Respirometer to Assess the Biokinetic Parameters of Industrial Wastewater
M.S. Rahman,M.A. Islam (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 71-75.
12. An Assessment on the Impact of Waste Discharge on Water Quality of Priyar River Lets in Certain Selected Sites in the Northern Part of Ernakulum District in Kerala, India
M.P. Subin,A.H. Husna (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 76-84.

Short Communication

13. Feeding Ecology of House Crow (Corvus splendens) in Open Agricultural fields in Jammu (J&K), India
S. Koul,D.N. Sahi (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 85-87.
14. Histopathological changes in the Liver of Indian Flying Barb (Esomus danricus) exposed to Organochlorine Pesticide, Endosulfan (EC 35)
Suchismita Das,Abhik Gupta (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 88-90.

Review Paper

15. Screening of Antifungal Proteins from Plants of Cucurbitaceae family against Fusarium oxysporum: Potential as Biofungicides
S. Yadav,A.K. Tomar,R.N. Yadav,S Yadav (2013). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(6), 90-96.