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Table of Contents

Res. J. Computer & IT Sci., Volume 7, Issue (2), Pages 1-17, December (2019)

Research Article

1. Hyper-parameter optimization: towards practical sentiment analysis using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Kirori Zachary (2019). Res. J. Computer & IT Sci., 7(2), 1-5.
2. Detection of breast tumor in medical images using modified neural network model
Sharma Usha ,Narain Bhavana (2019). Res. J. Computer & IT Sci., 7(2), 6-11.
3. Forensic approach for detecting the region of Copy-Create video forgery by applying frame similarity approach
Chittapur1 Govindraj ,Murali2 S. ,Anami Basavaraj S. (2019). Res. J. Computer & IT Sci., 7(2), 12-17.