Detection of breast tumor in medical images using modified neural network model
Author Affiliations
- 1MATS School of IT, MATS University, Raipur, CG, India
- 2MATS School of IT, MATS University, Raipur, CG, India
Res. J. Computer & IT Sci., Volume 7, Issue (2), Pages 6-11, December,20 (2019)
It is well versed that “Bioinformatics” is multi disciplinary area for research. It has two conditions biology information and computer science. Computer technology used on biological problems that have various challenges to computer information as identifying images processing, Structured to unstructured, data and analyze, health care, data like as X-ray, MRI, DNA, Breast Cancer, Diabetes. In bio Analysis various special fields of computer information technology can be valid for its knowledge of Machine Learning (Deep Learning), Data mining, image processing, data visualization, Data Reduction, 2-D and 3-D construction. In image processing Breast Screening is a technique to use mammographic images for detects cancerous tumors in the breast whether it is normal. We have developed our model in two parts first model named MBPNN as machine learning architecture to identify breast tumor. In second part cancerous tumor is cropped and processed. At last we have compared our parametric values with other models such as SVM and Distance classifier models. This model is developed using Mat Lab programming. In this model 300 images have been tested. This model identifies the location of tumor and tells us the stage of tumor. All parameters such as minimum, variance, dispersion and many more is presented.
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