Effect of fungicide on the vegetative parameters of green gram (Vigna radiata L Wilczek)
Author Affiliations
- 1Govt. (SSD) Higher Secondary School, Ramagiri, Gajapati , Odisha, Pin-761016, India
- 2Pulp & Paper Research Institute, Jaykaypur, Rayagada, Odisha, Pin-765017, India
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 8, Issue (3), Pages 52-56, July,8 (2020)
This experiment was conducted in laboratory scale to study on the effect of fungicide (sulphur) on the vegetative parameters of green gram. For that Green gram seeds are subjected at different concentration of elemental sulphur powder which is used as a fungicide to study the germinations and vegetative parameters like root length, shoot length, root and shoot fresh weight and dry weight and chlorophyll content. It is observed that rate of germination 27.9% of seeds were found to be germinated after 24hour in the controlled condition. However 3.7% of green ground seed germination were found in 5.0g/lt concentration of sulphur under control condition root length of phaseolus aureus var PDM54 seedlings are 5.4±0.04cm where as treatment of 5.0g/lt concentration of sulphur is 1.6±0.01 root lengths were observed. Under control condition shoot length 14.2±0.10 of phaseolus aureus var PDM54 where as seedlings are 6.3±0.04cm treatments of 5.0gm/lt concentration of sulphur, 1.6±0.01 root lengths were observed.
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