Farmers′ perception on transitioning to organic agriculture (OA) in Tsirang district, Bhutan
Author Affiliations
- 1College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan
- 2College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 8, Issue (1), Pages 40-48, January,8 (2020)
Organic agriculture (OA) has its roots in traditional agricultural practices. By trial and error, local farmers passed their best results from generation to generation. In Bhutan, given the importance and the country′s commitment to convert fully to organic, it is imperative to investigate how farmers feel on this matter as they are the principal implementers of the plan on the ground. Accordingly, this study was conducted to (i) identify the drivers and deterrents of transitioning to OA and (ii) assess farmers′ perception on transitioning to OA in Tsirang Dzongkhag. A total of 326 farmers were randomly selected from five Gewogs and interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. Results of binary regression indicated that farmers who were aware of OA and its benefits were more likely to convert organic (p&
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