Market segmentation of Roasted Bean
Author Affiliations
- 1Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia
- 2Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 8, Issue (1), Pages 22-28, January,8 (2020)
Domestic coffee consumption in Indonesia for the past 7 years has increased. This is supported by the rapid growth of the number of coffee shops in Indonesia, one of which is the City of Bogor. The number of businesses engaged in the similar field raises high competition among producers in the coffee shop business. One effort that needs to be done to face the competition is by determining the right market segmentation in marketing the product. One of the coffee shops that is facing such competition is MM Café. Thus, the MM Cafemanager have to know which market segmentation that will be targeted at marketing their roasted bean products. The purpose of this study is to identify consumer characteristics, product characteristics, consumer behavior and identify whether there are differences between consumers who buy light roasted and medium roasted beans. The sample selection in this study used systematic random sampling technique with a sample of 110 respondents. The analysis used was descriptive analysis, discriminant analysis, and covariance matrix test. The results of the study showed that there were three market segmentations that must be addressed, namely demographic, geographical and psychographic segmentation. The results of hypothesis testing indicated that three indicators of consumer characteristics and consumer behavior 0.049 &
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