Unlicensed gold mining and agricultural land in Kuantan Singingi district province of Riau, Indonesia
Author Affiliations
- 1University of Riau, Pekanbaru–Indonesia, Agricultural Development, Regional Development, the University of Riau, Indonesia
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 8, Issue (1), Pages 65-71, January,8 (2020)
Unlicensed gold mining are rampant in government Kuantan Singingi District, Riau Province. People culprit in general Unlicensed gold mining areas there are in many places and irregular, there is on the banks of rivers, water bodies, lakes and most occur on land under palm oil and rubber plantations productive in the watershed. Gold mining unauthorized changes to the landscape provides both the contour of the mainland, as well as the flow of streams and watersheds, degrading inventory lands for agriculture, affecting the region\'s economy. This research is important to (1) determine how the relationship unlicensed gold mining government with the availability of land, agricultural land prices and environmental damage. Is there a policy that is able to provide a solution, and how to model the management of mining activities that benefit the state through government-people relationship for sustainable agricultural development). The study was conducted in the province of Riau, Kuantan Singingi district. This research used surveys, case studies and analysis of secondary data. To test the hypothesis used Chi square test. To ensure influence relationships between variables used multiple logistic regression with SPSS 17.0 for Windows. The value of P is 0.015 <0.05) P value 0.015 <0.05, meaning there is a convincing relationship between unlicensed gold mining and the sustainability of the existence of the soil for agriculture. Flourishing mining activity is increasingly narrow availability of land for agriculture. Unlicensed gold mining relationship with changes in aspects of environmental damage such as changes in order flow and water resources, and reserves or water catchment areas found p value of 0.014. P value 0.014 <0.05, meaning that there is a significant correlation between unlicensed mining activities with environmental damage (change of order flow and water resources). While the value of P is 0.02, this relationship is significant. P value of 0.020, meaning that a significant relationship, for 0.02 <0.05, in this case an unauthorized gold mining is done by cultivating lands that are estimated to contain potential reserves of gold ore, so the demand for land prices higher than the land deals, the sale value of agricultural land into soaring to mine the ore. The government has not provided a solution that is beneficial to all parties of this gold mining management. None issued local regulations to make the arrangement against these illegal mining activities. Recommendations for Kuantan Singingi District Government shall establish a mining region, without gold mining concessions in the area of mining in the territory of each district should only be done by locals. For miners who mine without using the engine must be permission from the local district head and had to pay .0,5% of fruition per 6 months. For miners who mine using hired machinery must obtain permission from the District and are subject to the rent as much as 70% SVTO per meter per year. Miners are also required to create borders at their own expense. For those who do mining without a license is punishable by one year imprisonment and a fine of Rp 500 million (Reconstruction Model Attached).
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