Carbon sequestration of Luvisols as influenced by cropping system of Abela Lida, Southern Ethiopia
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Natural Resource Management, Wolkite University, P.O. Box 7, Ethiopia
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 7, Issue (3), Pages 36-39, July,8 (2019)
Assessing and quantifying carbon stock by taking into consideration the type of land use and soil type would have great contribution for an appropriate land use decision and sustainable carbon soil stock management. The main target of the research was to examine the impact of cropping systems on carbon stock of Luvisols of Abela Lida, Southern Ethiopia. Three representative adjacent cropping systems (enset, coffee and maize-haricot bean intercropping) were considered for the study. The soil organic carbon (SOC) ranged from 1.72 to 2.75%, medium to high status, respectively. The highest mean value of SOC (2.75%) was obtained in soils under coffee. The lowest (1.72%) SOC was obtained under the soils of maize-haricot bean intercropping. There was significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) in soil organic carbon stock under the different cropping systems. Soil under coffee cropping systems had significantly higher values of SOCst (51.01.9 Mg ha-1) than enset and maize-haricot bean (46.61 and 34.58 Mg ha-1, respectively). It could be concluded that cropping systems have significant influence on SOC status and carbon stocks of the soils of an area. Therefore, it is important and advisable to consider cropping systems of a given area for sustainable soil carbon management.
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