Biosafety issues of genetically modified crops: potential risks and status of GM crops in Ethiopia
Author Affiliations
- 1EIAR-National Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Po.Box 249, Holeta, Ethiopia
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 6, Issue (10), Pages 6-11, October,8 (2018)
Agricultural biotechnology is becoming the dominant sector in the area of cop improvement through applying advanced research of crop genetic modification by altering or modifying a single trait which is conferring resistance to biotic, abiotic stress and improving quality. Now a day many genetically modified crops are commercialized and under development. Though this, many contrasting ideas are raising from time to time regarding the biosafety concerns of genetically modified crops on the environment, human health, food/feed safety, economic and political etc. This review paper explains and overviews majorly raised biosafety issues of GM crops, their potential risks and the status GM crops in Ethiopia with the aim of addressing these potential risks for the stakeholders in Ethiopia.
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