Seasonal fluctuation of soil fertility status associated with Mikenia micrantha H.B.K. infestation in Abhoypur and Dilli Reserve Forest of Assam, India
Author Affiliations
- 1Silviculture and Forest Management Division, Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat, Assam, India
- 2Silviculture and Forest Management Division, Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat, Assam, India
- 3Silviculture and Forest Management Division, Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat, Assam, India
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 6, Issue (10), Pages 1-5, October,8 (2018)
Tropical forest is one of the most species diverse terrestrial ecosystems. Forest soil influences the composition of the forest stand, ground cover and rate of tree growth. Invasion of exotic species may contribute to changes the forest ecosystem through litter inputs and soil properties. Mikenia micrantha H.B.K., a noxious invasive weed has invaded forest of upper Brahmaputra valley creating a major impact on soil fertility. Two different forest i.e. Abhoypur and Dilli located in transition area between Assam-Nagaland and Assam-Arunachal Pradesh boarder was studied for seasonal fluctuation of soil fertility due to M. micrantha infestation. Average soil pH of all forest was quite acidic in nature. The value of pH (4.88) was in decreasing trend with increment of depth (4.39). Highest value was recorded during pre monsoon followed by monsoon, post monsoon and winter season respectively. Soil moisture gradually increased with increasing depth (41.59%) and found to be inversely proportional to pH. Highest amount of moisture content recorded in Monsoon season (41.59%) followed by post monsoon, pre monsoon and winter season (21.78%). Bulk density was increases with increasing soil depth and varied from 0.87g-cm3 to 1.08g-cm3 in different soil layer. Abhoypur RF recorded more pH, bulk density and moisture content as compared to Dilli reserve forest. Soil organic carbon varied from 1.38%-2.19% in surface layer during post monsoon season and least value was noticed in both forests during winter season (1.08%). Available nitrogen (246.5kgh-1) and organic carbon (2.19%) was recorded significantly high in Abhoypur RF (2.19%) during post monsoon season. The range of available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium were observed from 24.59kg h-1 to 38.55kg h-1 and 284.22kg h-1 to 313.2 kg h-1 respectively during pre monsoon season and gradual declination was observed by monsoon, post monsoon and winter season. Comparatively more value was noticed in surface soil which gradually decreases in deeper layer. Observations concluded that invasion of M. micrantha had profound effects on the soil fertility which may be detrimental to natural vegetation and management strategy for control of invasions to be needed for protection of forests.
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