Synergy subject of development oil palmin riau province
Author Affiliations
- 1Agricultural Development and Rural Regional Planning at the University of Riau, Indonesia
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 5, Issue (5), Pages 7-13, May,8 (2017)
Development of plantations in Riau Province carried out with the cooperation between the estate subject is government, private to People. Aspects of the estate such as land, land management techniques, the physical condition of the land and land management of subjects each subject always constrained berlansungnya plantation production sustainability plantation until the expiration of the time span of future cooperation, or looks still disintegration in perjalananya. It is therefore important to look at the relationship significant between the area of land managed, management, land management, physical condition managed lands and conversion of land with production / net income of farmers on the pattern of plantation played by each subject of the estate, it is also important to design such as whether the relationship between plantation integrative subject.Research done in Riau Province, Indonesia. This study is a combination of surveys and case studies as well as primary and secondary data analysis. Using Chi square test (chi square test) to see the relationship between variables, and to see the most influential variables used multiple logistic regression (Binary Logistic) with SPSS 17.0 for Windows. The results of this study found that the area of land ownership relationship (X1) with the income of farmers from several estates patterns found in value of 0.003, meaning that a significant relationship; land management relationship with the revenue that farmers receive each month, the value of 0.001 means significant relationship. ; Physical condition of land relations with the net proceeds received by farmers every month worth 0,064, meaning that no significant relationship. Land conversion time relationship with income received by farmers each month, the value is 0.072, meaning that the relationship is not significant. The most dominant factor influencing farmers\' production management factor is the management of land with a value of exp (&
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