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Demographic studies on three selected species of Terminalia in the Kerala part of Western Ghats, South India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur – 680 653, Kerala, India

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 5, Issue (5), Pages 1-6, May,8 (2017)


The study was conducted in forests of Kerala part of Western Ghats to assess demography and regeneration status of Terminalia paniculata, T. elliptica and T. travancorensis. About 52 ha was enumerated in Northern, Olavakode, Central, Highrange and Southern zones of the State. Among the three species, T. paniculata occupied about 77% of the study area with an increasing trend in tree density from Notrhtern to Southern zones. On the other hand, T. elliptica occupied 46% and found to have a decreasing trend in tree density. Distribution of T. travancorensis was only 2% of the study area, which was recorded in Olavakode, Central and Highrange zones. Study revealed that T. paniculata is dominant among the three species. However, regeneration of T. paniculata was poor compared to T. elliptica. Very poor regeneration was reported for T. travancorensis. The study indicates necessity to conserve the species due to their economical and ecological importance.


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