Land use Aspects of Tenureplantation for Development in the Province of Riau, Indonesia
Author Affiliations
- 1University of Riau, Indonesia Doctoral Regional Development Studies at the University of Riau, Indonesia
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 4, Issue (4), Pages 10-17, April,8 (2016)
The research appears as seeing some of the plantation land stewardship policies do not lead to equitable development. At least in the area of research is in the province of Riau, which implements some kind of agrarian policies which directly represent the policy of the central government, as well as those initiated by the government of Riau province. This phenomenon needs to be studied by conducting in-depth research in order to describe the facts justice on the substance and implementation of a land use policy for plantation in Riau province and how to perfectpolicy agrarian justice to the subject. Problems on the study \"how the substance and implementation of agrarian policy aspects of mastery for estate development?\". Does the policy have been fair to state plantation company, private plantation companies and the people?. Further refinement of how these policies?. The method used in this study is a qualitative method that is based on the concept and dimensions of injustice among others; i. marginalization; ii. monopoly; iii. dominance. Data collected from the relevant documents, interviews of subjects plantations. This study found that; stewardship unjust where the substance has not been adequate mastery policies to accommodate and accommodate the access, control, expediency, political policies, power/power, agrarian economies of scale to the subject. In the implementation of land use has occurred; marginalization policies (on access rights, access opportunities, the benefits for the people, especially the partnership pattern PIR-Trans and PIR KKPA); monopoly and domination in the resource policies to the people and economies of scale typical land business. Furthermore, this research has contributed to the concepts of stewardship of land for plantation development with justice: the dimensions and elements of injustice: marginalization, monopoly and domination, which can be used to measure and analyze whether the model /pattern of land use for the development of plantations have been fair to the subject or not.
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