Optimal Cropping Pattern for Sustainable Water Use in Canal Command AREA
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, DBSKKV, Dapoli, MS, INDIA
- 2Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, DBSKKV, Dapoli, MS, INDIA
- 3Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, DBSKKV, Dapoli, MS, INDIA
- 4AICRP on Water Management, DBSKKV, Dapoli, MS, INDIA
- 5AICRP on Water Management, DBSKKV, Dapoli, MS, INDIA
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 3, Issue (4), Pages 25-28, April,8 (2015)
The different proposed cropping pattern scenario was formulated for Kalwande Minor Irrigation Scheme based on the irrigable command area and volume of water required. The area and total depth of water required for different vegetables, pulses and horticultural crops were considered for proposed cropping pattern. The paddy crop is the dominant crop in the study area and grown in kharif season. Similarly in some of the areas, paddy is grown in rabi season. Therefore in the present study the rabi paddy was considered for developing the different cropping scenarios. The alternate cropping pattern suggested that the rabi paddy should not be encourage in the command area due high demand of water and low net returns. The cropping pattern based on combination of vegetables, horticultural and pulses showed potential in terms of maximum net returns and optimum utilization of available water. The area under only rabi paddy if more than 46 percent (51.06 ha) of irrigable command area, the available water in the reservoir will not meet the demand and the net returns obtained would be less. The study found that the maximum net returns obtained under single crop i.e for vegetables were Rs.143.38 lakh. The maximum net returns obtained under double crop i.e. for horticultural + vegetables were Rs.139.3 lakh. The horticultural + vegetables +pulses cropping pattern on 5.50 ha, 5.50 ha and 100 ha respectively provides maximum returns under available water source. The study concluded that the rabi paddy would not be found feasible in terms of water availability and benefits obtained. The vegetable and horticultural crop showed potential in the command area with the available water source to get maximum net returns.
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