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Effects of Temperature and R.H. % on Commercial Characters of Silkworm (bomby xmori.l) cocoons in Anantapuramu district of AP, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Sericulture, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 2, Issue (11), Pages 1-3, November,8 (2014)


Silk is considered to be queen of textiles which is proteinecious in nature. Rearing of silkworm for the production of silk fiber is called sericulture. Investigation was carried out to evaluate the best environmental conditions for commercial cocoon production of Bombyx mori. Temperature and R.H. % plays vary vital role on silkworm growth and development and it leads to cocoon quality. The appropriate temperature for silkworm rearing is 25OC +1 and appropriate R.H. % is 80%. Rearing is suggested in suitable environmental conditions. Bi-voltain silkworm registered best grads and high quality cocoon production. Rearing is suggested especially in September to January for good quality cocoon production in Anantapuramu district of Andhra Pradesh.


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