Air layering of Lophira lanceolata Van Tiegh. ex Keay (Ochnaceae) in the Guinean savannah highlands of Adamawa in Cameroon
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Biologicals Sciences, Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, University of Ngaoundéré P.O. Box: 454 Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
- 2Department of Environmental Sciences, National Higher Polytechnic School of Maroua, University of Maroua, BP: 46 Maroua, Cameroon
- 3Department of Biologicals Sciences, Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, University of Ngaoundéré P.O. Box: 454 Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
- 4Department of Biologicals Sciences, Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, University of Ngaoundéré P.O. Box: 454 Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 11, Issue (3), Pages 1-6, November,8 (2023)
Lophira lanceolata is a species of socio-economic interest in the Guinean savannah highlands of Adamawa. The objective of this study was to multiply this species by air layering. The work consisted in making a ringing of 6 to 7cm on orthotropic branches so the diameter was between 2.54cm and 5.73cm; then a sleeve was laid. Two types of substrates (black soil-sawdust mixture and sphagnum) were used and half of the sleeves were covered with aluminum foil. The rooting rate of layers varies from 80.92±1.75% in the black soil-sawdust mixture to 82.22±0.65% in sphagnum. Layers covered with aluminum foil showed a success rate of 84.81±0.65% against 78.33±1.39% for layers not covered with aluminum foil. Covering with aluminum foil contributed significantly to the rooting of layers (0.0197 ˂ 0.05). The simplicity and low cost of this multiplication technique could promote its dissemination to rural communities. Air layering is a technique adapted to the local context and can contribute to safeguarding this species while allowing its sustainable use in local agroforestry systems.
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