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Regional Disparities in Levels of Agricultural Development in Dhule and Nandurbar Districts, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1R.C. Patel ACS College, Shirpur, Dist-Dhule, MS, INDIA

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 1, Issue (5), Pages 9-12, June,8 (2013)


The Regional approach plays a vital role in the analysis of regional disparities in farming practices and for interpretation of the changing pattern of agricultural regions. A widely accepted def inition of region is an area that is differentiated from other areas according to the specified criteria. In the process of agricultural development various variables has play major role. Agricultural region is a device for identification of weaker and pro sperous zones of agriculture development. Shahada tahsil has reveal higher level of agricultural development carrying composite index of development about 157.95 followed by Taloda and Shirpur while poorer level of development shown in Shindkheda tahsil. T he principal objective of this paper is to determine the levels of agricultural development at tahsil stage during the period of triennial 2001 - 2003.


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