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Table of Contents

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 12, Issue (1), Pages 1-32, April (2023)

Research Paper

1. Study on plasticization of thin film of polyvinyl chloride sensitized with malachite green
Bhardwaj M.K.,Awasthi S.K. (2023). Res. J. Recent Sci., 12(1), 1-9.
2. Comparative study of the accuracy of measurements on X-ray images of the skull in the analog and digital systems in Benin
Alphonse Sako AVOCEFOHOUN ,Alassane YOUSSAO ABDOU KARIM,S.A. Marieta Syntyche QUENUM,Vidé Affi MAHOUGBE,Aimé BONOU,Francis Théotime Mahudjro HOUNSOU,Bawa BOYA,Papin Sourou MONTCHO,Vidé Affi MAHOUGBE,Bertin Ahotondji GBAGUIDI,Patricia YEKPE,Nicodème CHABI,Lamine Said BABA-MOUSSA (2023). Res. J. Recent Sci., 12(1), 10-19.
3. Development of dried seaweed (eucheuma) chips enriched with mango puree
Ethyl M. Ancajas,Technology and Livelihood Education (TLED) Program, Institute of Teacher Education and Information Technology, Southern Philippines of Agri-business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology (SPAMAST), Philippines,Leonel P. Lumogdang (2023). Res. J. Recent Sci., 12(1), 20-23.

Review Paper

4. Candida auris- threat to human healthcare facilities
Sahana Ghosh (2023). Res. J. Recent Sci., 12(1), 27-32.