Distribution and assessment of pesticide residue contamination level in fish from Indian rivers and their residual impact on environment: A review
Author Affiliations
- 1Institute of Applied Sciences, Department of Forensic Science, Parul University, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 8, Issue (3), Pages 36-41, July,2 (2019)
Pesticides are major problem of environmental pollution in the river, lake, ponds, and many estuary ecosystems. Pesticides are used worldwide for the purpose of agricultural consumption and control the pest and insect. Previous widespread use of pesticides in the past and constrained current practice resulted in the river pollution. Most of the Indian rivers pass over a large number of villages, cities, agricultural fields and some of the industrial areas. Therefore, a large portion of wastes and sewages produced from these different areas goes into the rivers. The rivers search out totally contaminated due to release of hazardous substances, dyes, fertilizer and other toxic materials. Most of the hazardous chemicals do not mortify; therefore contaminant stabilizes in the aquatic system. Almost all of the pollutants detected in river fish were mostly banned pesticides, which should be dealt legally.
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