A study of effectiveness of peer assisted learning strategy (PALS) as remedial program in 7th grade science
Author Affiliations
- 1Dechentsemo Central School, Ministry of Education, Punakha, Bhutan
- 2Dechentsemo Central School, Ministry of Education, Punakha, Bhutan
- 3Dechentsemo Central School, Ministry of Education, Punakha, Bhutan
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 8, Issue (3), Pages 30-35, July,2 (2019)
Designing effective teaching learning methods for a learner demands a teacher to be aware of what works better for a individual in a classroom. The effect of Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) on students' performance and learning satisfaction was investigated in this study. The Pre-test/ post-test test devised for both the experiment and control group to measure their performance level in science before and after PALS and No-PALS. The second method involved the experiment group to answer a survey questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale to address how PALS enhance students learning satisfaction and contribute to other students' learning satisfaction. While the Pre-test/ post-test test data showed change in mean marks, rating scores on questionnaires indicated effectiveness of PALS, suggesting that PALS can have positive impact students' performance and learning satisfaction.
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