Dry deposition of heavy metals associated with free fall atmospheric dust and its characterization in an industrial city Kota (India) under meteorological influence
Author Affiliations
- 1Deptt. of Chemistry, Govt. College, Kota-324001 (Raj.), India
- 2Deptt. of Chemistry, Govt. College, Kota-324001 (Raj.), India
- 3Deptt. of Chemistry, Govt. College, Kota-324001 (Raj.), India
- 4Deptt. of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Uni. of Kota, Kota-324005 (Raj.), India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 8, Issue (3), Pages 1-11, July,2 (2019)
Free fall atmospheric dust samples have been collected during months of winter and summer in the period starting from February, 2011 to January, 2013 in Kota City, Rajasthan, India. The analytical results show that heavy metals occurrence in free fall atmospheric dust is found to be highest in fractions strongly bound to organic matter followed by weakly bound (exchangeable, carbonate bound). On the basis of the results of the elemental composition and morphology through scanning electron microscope (SEM) and widely dispersive X-ray florescence (WD-XRF), particles have been categorised into two groups: crustal and anthropogenic particles indicating the influence of fly ash emitted from Kota Super Thermal Power Plant (KSTPS) and other industrial activities. Simultaneously meteorological parameters were monitored to evaluate the influence of temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity. Mean concentrations of anthropogenic origin metals such as Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb are observed more at low temperature, high relative humidity and low wind velocity and lower at high temperature, low relative humidity and high wind velocity. On the contrary, crustal origin metals (Fe, Ca and Mg) are found to have a reverse trend under these meteorological conditions. Results of deposition flux (Fd) showed an approximately exponential decay with distance from point source Kota Super Thermal Power Plant (KSTPS).
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