A study on futures price movement of Jeera agricultural commodity in National Commodity Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) in India
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Commerce, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
- 2Department of Commerce, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (9), Pages 7-12, September,2 (2018)
Generally in the world market the prices of agricultural commodities play a vital role. In developing and developed countries the demand for agricultural commodities are not perceptive to the prices of commodities. Every country (it may be a developing or developed country) should face the demand of all the commodities so it cannot give the much importance to the price of import the agricultural commodities from the developed countries from the following reasons (e.g., Japan): i. most agricultural commodities (mainly grains) are a necessity; ii. the total value of agricultural imports is a small portion of the country\'s gross national product (GNP). When decrease the price of commodities in developing countries, instead of increasing the domestic production, reducing the imports from other countries. However, in developing countries the relationship of price and quantity is influencing the general economic conditions.
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