Appraisal of ground water quality to estimate its appropriateness for farming uses
Author Affiliations
- 1Dept of IDE, CAET, DBSKKV, Dapoli, MS, India
- 2DBSKKV, Dapoli, MS, India
- 3Dept of SWCE, CAET, Rahuri, MS, India
- 4Dept of SWE, CTAE, Udaipur, Raj, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (5), Pages 21-24, May,2 (2018)
In Dapoli, Ground water had a specific significance where groundwater used as a primary supply of water utilized for consumption, household & farming. Water of the 15 wells was selected for study chemical characteristics. Analyzed data was used to conclude foremost result that is appraisal of appropriateness of groundwater for irrigation purpose. It was workout with the help of correlation among ground water quality factors viz, PI, Na%, TH, EC, SAR, KR, RSC, and TDS comparing with World Health Organization standard for drinking water. It shows that Mg, Na, HCO3, Ca, K and SO4 concentrations were lesser than the allowable limits among 90 per cent wells. According to TDS, ground water wells were categorized. Groundwater was appropriate for irrigation because TDS level was less than desirable in 96% of wells.
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