Effect of carbamate, organophosphate and organochlorine pesticides on nitrogen fixation of cyanobacteria Nostocpaludosum: a quantitative assay
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Botany, K.J. Somaiya College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Kopargaon (MS), India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (3), Pages 39-42, March,2 (2018)
During the present investigation, four commonly used commercial grade pesticides Furadan and Sevin belongs to carbamate and Rogor and Endotaf from organophosphate and organochlorine group, respectively, were used to study their effect on the nitrogen fixation of commonly occurring cyanobacteria (blue-green alga), nostocpaludosum. Total nitrogen (%) fixed by the tested alga at each concentration (ppm) of studied pesticides was estimated by conventional Micro- kjeldahl method. The results obtained in the laboratory cultures indicates that, total nitrogen content fixed was progressively decrease with the increase in concentrations of the Furadan, Sevin, Rogor and Endotaf pesticides by tested Nostocpaludosum. However, at lower doses of the pesticides viz. 2.5 ppm to 10 ppm of Furadan, Sevin and 2.5 ppm to 5 ppm Rogor and 2.5 ppm of Endotaf, total nitrogen fixed by the tested alga increased over the control. While at higher dose level i.e. 250 ppm Furadan, Sevin, Rogor and 100 ppm Endotaf, the Nostocpaludosum showed 76.5%, 81.4%, 88.2% and 94.8% decline in total nitrogen content than the control respectively. In general, it was seen that at higher doses of pessticides application i.e. more than 10 ppm Furdan, Sevin, Rogor and Endotaf adversely affected the nitrogen fixation efficiency of Nostocpaludosum in the laboratory cultures. Further it was concluded that, indiscriminate use of studied pesticides had deleterious effect on survival, nitrogen fixation of Nostocpaludosum and also at the recommended doses of pesticides had no adverse effects under various crop fields.
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