Ultimate duality field-matter: fields structural unification
Author Affiliations
- 1Section of Physical Sciences, École Normale Supérieure, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (3), Pages 28-36, March,2 (2018)
In quantum field theory, the field unification is a unsolved question. Previous studies allowed us initiating a theory which assumes the duality field-particle. Here, we demonstrated the corresponding field equations in space-time symmetry. Their origin and interpretation allowed showing or proposing: i. the specification of the duality field-matter; ii. the physical meaning of a quantum state; iii. the spin-1/2 origin of fundamental fermions; iv. the interpretation of gauge-field components as six substates representing scalar/vector gauge fermions in any field; v. the existence of four stable fermions in this while the two instable others appear with additional time dimensions; vi. the field equations validity for any system from mass and charge normalizations; vii. the possible existence of mass and charge object moving at light speed; viii. the compositeness of massive and charged gauge fermions such as leptons or quarks; ix. the evident existence of gravitational and electromagnetic fermions; x. the spin-1 for all fundamental vector bosons and the spin-0 for the scalar ones; xi. the difference between matter and antimatter and xii. a priliminary vacuum state. In all, the results show a structural unification of the four ordinary fields.
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