An overview of the nonlinear chaos theory in the atmospheric systems
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Physics, D.N. College, Murshidabad, West Bengal-742201, India
- 2J.D. Birla Institute, Departments of Sciences and Commerce, 11 Lower Rawdon Street, Kolkata-700020, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (3), Pages 51-52, March,2 (2018)
The nonlinear behaviour of the dynamical atmospheric systems may be properly studied by the chaos theory. The atmospheric flows exhibit fractal fluctuations in space and time. Due to nonlinear complexity, the actual physical mechanism of the atmospheric system is yet to be clearly understood. Thus a comprehensive study of the atmospheric instability in the light of nonlinear chaos theory is highly needed. An overview of the developments of the chaos theory in understanding the atmospheric systems is done in this paper. Proper estimation of the nonlinear chaos theory in meteorology may be significant and helpful for accurate prediction of atmospheric instability.
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