Effect of yoga hand mudra on hypothyroid patients
Author Affiliations
- 1Shivoma Ashram, 83 Dwarkapuri, 20x40 Block Line, Indore, MP, India
- 2Shah Pathology, 410, Nandlalpura Chouraha, Jawahar Marg, Indore, MP, India
- 3Brilliant Academy, Scheme No. 51, Sangam Nagar, Indore, MP, India
- 4Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California San Francisco, CA, USA
- 5Choithram Hospital and Research Center, Manikbagh Road, Indore, India
- 6CHL Hospital, Department of Microbiology, AB Road, Near LIG Square, Indore, MP, India
- 7Kalantri Nursing Home, 219, Jawahar Marg, Indore, MP, India
- 8Shivoma Ashram, 83 Dwarkapuri, 20x40 Block Line, Indore, MP, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (2), Pages 1-5, February,2 (2018)
Hypothyroidism is defined as failure of thyroid gland to produce sufficient thyroid hormone to meet the metabolic demands of the body. A significant number of women as compare to male are suffering from hypothyroidism. It is characterized by elevated thyroid stimulating hormone. Regular practices of yoga hand mudra are useful in preventing and managing a wide range of clinical condition such as diabetes, anxiety, depression, pain, thyroid disorders and hypertension. Our study includes seven subjects suffering from hypothyroidism from age group 30-65. The patients were asked to perform yoga mudra according to standard procedure. The pathological parameters T3, T4, TSH and parameters from 4G-Quantum magnetic resonance Analyzer T3, FT4, Thyroid secretion index and Pituitary secretion index for hypothyroid patients were recorded before and after performing the mudra. There was a significant improvement in pathological as well as 4G-Quantum Analyzer parameters. Yoga mudra works on autonomic nervous system and endocrine system through peripheral system and central nervous system. This yoga hand mudra is an important alternative traditional therapy apart from medication to support patient’s health. Hence, we coined this mudra as “T Mudra” - a possible cure for hypothyroidism.
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