Effect of Yoga practices on muscular endurance and flexibility of young adult girls
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Home Science, Smt. Radhadevi Goenka College for Women, Akola, MS, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (11), Pages 21-23, November,2 (2018)
Yoga science has several concepts, method and regulations which are very much essential to each and everyone. It should be clearly understood that yoga is a real sword to lead a healthy life. The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of yoga practices on muscular endurance and flexibility of young adult girls students of R D G College, Akola. For this study 30 students were selected among who 15 student's practices yoga on regular basis and the rest 15 did not perform any yoga. 15 students practices yoga on regular basis were the experimental group and the Non Yoga practitioners were the control group. The experimental group practices yoga regularly i.e. six days in a week for four weeks, under direct supervision of the researcher. The control group did not perform any yoga for the four weeks. The subjects were tested on the selected fitness variables before and after four weeks of practice. The data was statistically analyzed. The result of the study revealed that there was a significant improvement in muscular endurance and flexibility of experimental group than the control group. So it was concluded that the effect of yoga on muscular endurance and flexibility of young adult girls was positive.
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