Homoeopathic treatment of intestinal parasitic infections in school children: a pilot study
Author Affiliations
- 1Faculty of Homoeopathy, Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India
- 2Faculty of Homoeopathy, Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India
- 3Faculty of Homoeopathy, Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (11), Pages 16-20, November,2 (2018)
Parasitic infections are global health problem. These infections are major public health problem in children. Intestinal parasitic infections are lack of good hygienic living and poor socioeconomic conditions in India and developing countries. Parasitic infections complication cause not only anaemia, malnutrition nourishment but can lead to intestinal obstruction in paediatrics, primary school children. Effect of homoeopathic medicines in school children with intestinal parasitic infections in Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India. Thirty cases of intestinal parasitic infections (diagnosed based on clinical history and investigation) were selected as per the exclusion criteria and inclusion criteria using purposive sampling technique. Homoeopathic medicines were prescribed depended up on the totality of symptoms with Repertorization. The data was statistically analyzed and significance was achieved (P > 0.05). Twenty six patients were improved and four patients were drop out in this pilot study. There was significant reduction in stool examination before and after homoeopathic treatment in case of intestinal parasitic infections in children.
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