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Waste water treatment by up flow anaerobic sludge blanket technology

Author Affiliations

  • 1School of Energy and Environmental Studies, DAVV, Indore, MP, India
  • 2UPSD Service, Blue Star Limited, Indore, MP, India

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 7, Issue (11), Pages 9-15, November,2 (2018)


The water quality monitoring is necessary for the management of river pollution in urban areas .The Khan River is main water body of urban area of Indore city in M.P., which is affected by river Saraswati, Pipllykhan Nala and Palasia Nala that are of 300mm to 1600mm dial. The total length of sewer line is 47km this was laid by I.D.A. under O.D.A. project. A main sewer line of 1200mm dial, which is passing through Indore city up to Kabit Khedi sewage treatment plant. The capacity of plant is 78MLD (in 2012). In this study, the treatment of waste water by up flow anaerobic sludge blanket technology (UASB) to examine the different analytical parameters of waste water like PH value, TSS, BOD and COD. For this purpose physico-chemical and biological methods are used due to minimum temperature of waste water was 230C, PH-6.0 - 8.5, TSS- 400 + 100 mg/lit, BOD-<200 + 25mg/lit and COD - < 360+50mg/lit etc. Results of the sample water and treated water obtained from the UASB technique have been compared with results of the M.P. Pollution Control Board Report. UASB based 78 MLD follows a complex microorganism to convert organic compounds into Methane and Carbon dioxide.


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