The effect colors of light and aeration on growth and sclerotia formation of Sclerotium rolfsii on chili rot
Author Affiliations
- 1Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for Women, Aurangabad, India
- 2Dept. of Botany, Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for Women, Aurangabad, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 6, Issue (9), Pages 1-7, September,2 (2017)
The pathogenic fungi Sclerotium rolfsii is damaging in numbers of vegetables, which causes several losses. This pathogenic fungi has shown to cause collar rot and root rot in many vegetable crops and has need suggested way to control the pathogen as well as vegetable diseases. Since effective control of plant diseases depends on the throughout knowledge of the causal organisms. In various factors which directly and indirectly the development of growth and sclerotia of Sclerotium rolfsii. In the present experiment effect of continuous exposure different color of light black, blue, green, red, yellow, sealed and control (as without control served as control) on S.rolfsii radial growth, number and weight of sclerotia was assess by poisoning technique. In the investigation it was observed that growth of Sclerotium rolfsii on potato dextrose agar medium were not affected by blue, green ,yellow and sealed, but it affect by red and black 2.34mm to 2.67mm respectively. But in this investigation total number and weight of sclerotia found affected by sealed and black light after fifteen days of incubation periods. From result of experiment, we conclude that proper aeration is essential for the development of sclerotia.
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