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Psychrophilic Pathogens: Potential Risk for Food Borne Illness

Author Affiliations

  • 1Food and Nutrition, Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kamaccha, Varanasi, India

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 5, Issue (7), Pages 50-52, July,2 (2016)


Contrary to common belief that hot environment is the breeding ground of pathogens, refrigerator also favours growth of pathogens. Psychrophilic pathogens can be potential hazard for public health. One of the most neglected areas has been the issue of psychrophilic pathogens which are related with refrigerated items in our households. Several guidelines have been proposed regarding food handling, care during preparation of food at home, hotels, restaurants, street food vendors etc, but in the modern era there is increasing dependency on low temperature storage of food i.e refrigerating the food. In case of our society with the disintegration of joint family and the changing role of women in the family have resulted in a need for convenient food items which are well preserved having same taste, texture and enhanced shelf life. This has been made available due to better and advanced refrigeration technology. But, the traditional perception that it is only the higher temperature is blamed as the main factor for food spoilage. This stands challenge by the recent researches done on refrigerated food and psychrophilic bacteria (Psychro-Gk. Cold). If proper temperature and hygiene is not maintained for refrigerated food items then the texture, the taste, and other related aspects might be adversely affected, thereby resulting in health problems. An attempt has been made to study these microbes and the food they contaminate, also the mode of contamination and consequences and ways to prevent these pathogens are the focal points of present paper.


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