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Potential of M-Commerce of Agricultural Inputs in Kolar, Karnataka, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Oriental School of Business Management, Oriental University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • 2Oriental University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • 3Chameli Devi Group of Institutions, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 5, Issue (7), Pages 1-10, July,2 (2016)


There exists a huge dependency on ICT in the agricultural input scenario. Getting quality inputs at the best price is the biggest challenge that today’s farmers face. Growing smartphone penetration in the rural regions of India is encouraging the growth of m-commerce models to focus on agribusiness. Such a scenario can revolutionize the Indian agriculture. Almost all the farmers now own a mobile phone out of which 40% are smart phones with internet connections. This highly potential reach, if properly guided can bring about modernization in the buying of agri inputs by the farmers. 30% of the farmers in Karnataka have adapted to online shopping for their pre-planned purchases. Tech-savvy farmers research online and then make decisions. Younger and educated farmers in the state tend to use internet for making farm related decisions. Agriculture is a region specific activity and hence the potential for agri input related m-commerce has to be region specific. Understanding where such m-commerce platforms will add value to the distribution channels for agri input is a main challenge. Another challenge is the provision of logistics without increasing the farmer price and cash on delivery payments in rural areas.


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