Investigation on the Impact of Internal Marketing Elements on Trust-building among staff of IKCO Tabriz
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Management, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, IRAN
- 2 Department of Management, Bonab branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, IRAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 4, Issue (2), Pages 36-43, February,2 (2015)
In today's world, in most of the organizations, the employees are regarded as the main resources of the organization. They have understood that motivated, happy and faithful employees would feel responsibility for their duties. Internal Marketing, as well as using certain elements utilizes a systematic process to increase employee's motivation - as inter-organization costumers. On the other hand, existence of organizational trust atmosphere leads to information division, improvement of employee's moral, preventing the organizational gossip, decreasing disagreements and increasing cooperation among employees, increased innovation and productivity and helps effective management of the organizations. The present research aims to investigate the impact of IM elements on organizational trust-building among staff of IranKhodro Tabriz to find that if practical performance of IM concepts leads to successful organization trust building. Using the gathered data and their statistical analysis via regression method, all raised seven hypotheses have been confirmed. Then, multiple regression analysis revealed that among the seven elements stated, six elements have direct impact on dependent variable and regression model of the test was described. ANOVA and Tukey tests showed that there was a significant difference between the attitudes of manufacturing unit employees and attitudes of supporting and administrative unit employees towards organizational trust-building.
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