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Model Successful Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (Case Study: Ghavamin Bank)

Author Affiliations

  • 1Professor Assistance, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, IRAN
  • 2 MA student in Human Resource management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, IRAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 4, Issue (2), Pages 130-138, February,2 (2015)


By Paradigm shifting from product orientation to customer orientation since traditional marketing methods which are used nowadays have made lots of problems and lots of limitations for organizations, CRM has been offered in order to make a Special relationship with the customer and creating more value for organizations. Main object of this paper is explaining Factors affecting successful implementation of CRM. In this regard, effective factors on successful implementation of CRM were identified and developed by studying research literature and Interviews with Experts and managers of bank and developed. Totally, 111 Questionnaires were distributed in branches of Ghavamin Bank of Karaj province and were filled by managers of banks. In order to achieve conceptual model of research we used exploratory factor analysis. In order to accuracy of the measurement model of research test we used Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Current situation of banks were studied in effective factors area. Friedman test was used for prioritizing the important factors. Results of the research showed all identified factors are effective factors of CRM success. People of organization have the most effect on implementation of CRM. Additionally, in current situation of bank, Knowledge Management, Organizing, communication management factors are not in suitable situation. Communication management has more importance relatively.


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