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An Efficient Live VM Migration Technique in Clustered Datacenters

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Computer Science, B. B. A. University (A Central University), Lucknow, UP, INDIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (IVC-2014), Pages 13-20, (2014)


The essence of cloud computing comes from the concept of virtualization. It is a technique of implementing a number of guest operating systems on a single host server such that memory and CPU resources of the host machine are shared among the guest systems. The guest machines are technically known as virtual machines (VMs). Virtualization enables full utilization of a physical machine in a cost-effective manner. However, varying and continuous load from users may overload a physical machine and this can lead to serious implications on performance, reliability and other service-level-agreement (SLA) parameters. To deal with this issue, VM migrations are practiced which enables the transfer of a virtual machine from an overloaded server to an under-loaded host, thereby relaxing the workload of the source host. Load balancing in a datacenter gives a chance to achieve a significantly high fault-tolerance, a feature which is very essential during live application executions in a cloud environment. This paper discusses the basic live migration techniques existing today, and proposes a hybrid approach of live VM migration, by combining the benefits of other existing techniques. Live migration refers to a transparent transfer of an active guest or virtual machine from a source server to a chosen destination server.


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