Revolutionized strength of future Biomedicine Revealed: Nanolipomedicines
Author Affiliations
- 1 Pacific University, Udaipur, INDIA
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (IVC-2014), Pages 6-15,(2014)
Passing time has seen numerous developments in the computational approaches and applications. All this has shown a specialized positive impact in the field of Biomedicine and lead to encouragement of interdisciplinary fields like medical informatics, bio-informatics, nano-technology, nano-informatics, computational biology, system biology, etc. Present work embraces the analytics of the advancements and unearthing across the most deadly diseases in the world. Major emphasis is on the improvements in the drug delivery methods to ensure site-specificity and effectiveness of the potential drugs. It is the most important aspect of the present targeted therapies is the drug delivery vehicles. Paper revolves around the characteristics of an ideal drug delivery system. Is it Efficiency? Biocompatibility? Or just Nonimmunogenicity? Yes, here drug-carriers are on the spotlight. Additionally we also focused the deciding factors like drug circulation time, its ADMET aspects and chemical descriptors that are the indispensable part of a drug-carrier system. In the end publication survey results provides a suitable podium to present work. The possibilities of novel developments offer the clear cut proof of increasing popularity of biological lipid vesicles and nano-scale drug delivery systems. Citations involve current market and clinical status of such systems in our present day RandD and pharma-market.
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