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Tooth size and Dental arch Dimension measurement through Cone beam Computed Tomography: Effect of Age and Gender

Author Affiliations

  • 1School of Dental Science, Universiti Sains, Malaysia, MALAYSIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (IVC-2014), Pages 85-94,(2014)


Objective of the study is to inspect the tooth size and arch dimension by the assistance of 3D cone beam computerised tomography (CBCT) imaging through the effect age and gender differences. Data from fifty-three subject were examined; of which 32 were male the ages of the samples were similar in both sexes. The data source was 3D CBCT volumetric data from the archives of the School of Dental Sciences, HUSM. The tooth size (mesio-distal width), arch length, arch perimeter, inter-canine, inter-first premolar, inter-second premolar and inter-molar widths were measured and recorded from the 3D CBCT of both maxilla and mandibular arches. Gender differences and changes associated with age were assessed. Regression analyses were used to examine the influence of age and gender on the tooth size and arch perimeters. Principal component analysis was carried out for the measurements of each arch in males and females samples. The tooth size of the right and left side were similar in the sample except the second premolars where the right side tooth were significantly larger than its counterpart (p=0.007) but with smaller differences (0.2mm to 0.08mm). Largest variation in the tooth size were found in the upper lateral, second premolars and lower lateral incisors in men whereas the upper canine and lower incisors in the women. Tooth size of the upper and lower canine showed the largest variation of sexual dimorphism. For the Arch dimension, the greatest variation was found in the inter-second premolar width of the upper arch followed by inter canine distance, and the inter-canine distance of the lower arch.


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