Heavy Metal Accumulation in Vegetables Irrigated with Sewage and Its Impact on Health
Author Affiliations
- 1 BLDEA’s Comm, BHS Arts and TGP Science College Jamkhandi, 587301, Karnataka, INDIA
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (IVC-2014), Pages 81-84,(2014)
Ever increasing population, urbanization and industrialization have led to generation and indiscriminate discharge of large volume of water from domestic, commercial, industrial uses from which natural water sources become unfit for human usage. The use of sewage water for irrigation is a matter of major concern due to the presence of toxic metals and other pollutants, which ultimately contaminate the soil. Unscientific management practices of pollutants lead to ecological Imbalance. The use of sewage for irrigation is a common practice in majority of peri-urbans. An investigation made on the impact of sewage irrigation on soil and the potentiality of vegetables in the accumulation of the metal pollutants from the soil. The potential of vegetables for the accumulation of heavy metals from the sewage irrigated soil, cleans up the environment. Consumption of vegetables has positive impact on the health of man.
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