Kinetic Modeling of Phenol adsorption on Azadirachta indica as a Potential Adsorbent
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Chemical Engineering, SOET, ITM University Gwalior MP, INDIA
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (8), Pages 53-57, August,2 (2014)
These days Biowaste as a raw material for producing porous adsorbent has been used widely for treating wastewater. Present work aims to prepare a chemically activated natural adsorbent obtained from Neem sawdust (Azadirachta indica). This Biosorbent is tested for removing toxic organic pollutants like phenol from wastewater containing different concentrations of phenol. A batch wise experiment was performed to eliminate phenol from lab made solution mixture. An equilibrium adsorption of phenol was studied as a function of contact time, the initial phenol concentration and the solution temperature. Loading capacity of phenol on activated adsorbent was obtained as 15.44 mg/g at solution temperature of 305 K, adsorbent concentration of 5 g/L and initial phenol concentration of 150 mg/L. To study the performance of adsorbent, experimental data was fitted with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. Data fitting shows that the phenol adsorption was best described by Langmuir Isotherm (R2 =0.951 and qmax=50 mg/g).
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