Microwave Drying of Sprouted Horse Gram (Macrotyloma Uniflorum): Mathematical Modeling of Drying Kinetics
Author Affiliations
- 1Research and Development Centre, Department of Biotechnology, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bangalore-560057, INDIA
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (8), Pages 96-102, August,2 (2014)
In the present investigation, sprouted horse gram seeds were dried at five different levels (180–900 W) in order to study the effect of microwave power output on certain parameters such as moisture content, moisture ratio, drying rate, drying time and effective moisture diffusivity. As the microwave output power increased, drying time decreased significantly. For studying the drying kinetic parameters, the semi empirical Midilli et al., model was found to be beneficial and it described the drying kinetics very well with R2> 0.999. Effective moisture diffusivity and drying rate increased as the microwave poweroutput increased. Effective moisture diffusivity were in the range of 1.42 × 10-10 m2/s to 5.74×10-10 m2/s. Modified Arrheniustype equation of exponential type was used to calculate the Activation energy and was found to be 15.3 W.g-1.
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